Leia a sentença a seguir:


Ms. Peres is a banker from Porto Alegre, Brazil.


“Banker” é resultado do acréscimo do sufixo “er” à palavra “bank”. Assim, o verbo (to bank) originou o substantivo (banker), ou seja, a senhora Peres é bancária.    


Considerando seus estudos sobre a formação de palavras, leia as sentenças a seguir e associe as palavras destacadas ao tipo de transformação que sofreram:


1) Mr. Soo rented a convertible BMW.

2) Dr. Sato is going to an after-dinner entertainment.

3) The car rent will cost US$ 39.00 daily

4) Mr. Taylor runs a computer business in Malaysia.


(   ) de verbo para substantivo

(   ) de substantivo para advérbio

(   ) de verbo para adjetivo

(   ) de adjetivo para substantivo


A sequência numérica formada é:

4 – 3 – 1 – 2
2 – 3 – 1 – 4
1 – 3 – 2 – 4
4 – 1 – 3 – 2
2 – 4 – 3 – 1

Leia a frase a seguir: “Julia used to go to work on foot.”


A palavra destacada em negrito é classificada como:


Leia as frases, a seguir:


(I) The store doesn´t have much clothes.

(II) Let us help you find the boots.

(III) The salesclerk suggested a new read coat.


De acordo com seus estudos sobre as classes gramaticais, os termos destacados podem ser classificados, respectivamente, como:

artigo indefinido - pronome reflexivo – substantivo
artigo definido - pronome possessivo – substantivo
artigo indefinido - pronome oblíquo – substantivo
artigo definido - pronome oblíquo – substantivo
artigo definido - pronome reto – substantivo

A seguir, você lerá um texto em que a rede de notícias inglesa, BBC, convida seus internautas a participarem de uma pesquisa sobre tratamentos estéticos.

Ao lê-lo, preste atenção ao uso do Present Perfect (have you ever…?), estudado na unit 2 de seu livro. Além desse aspecto, observe as palavras cognatas e aqueles conhecimentos que você já possui sobre a língua inglesa.

Have you ever used Botox?  
Have you ever used cosmetic injectables such as Botox or dermal fillers?


BBC Three is looking for people who have used these products to improve their appearance.

Were you happy with the results or did it go wrong? Are you undergoing* corrective treatment or did you accept to live with the results?
This programme is particularly interested in speaking to anyone who has used Botox or dermal fillers who is under the age of 30. But even if you are over 30 we still want to hear from you.

Please tell us about your experiences sending a message to yourpics@bbc.co.

(Texto adaptado. Disponível em: http://www.bbc.co/news/world-11831504. Acesso em: 09 dez. 2015.)

*to undergoing: submeter-se a

Agora, leia as assertivas seguintes:


I) o Present Perfect conclama os internautas adeptos de procedimentos estéticos invasivos a contarem suas experiências com esses tratamentos.

II) o programa busca ouvir os relatos dos internautas que se submeteram a tratamentos estéticos invasivos e que tiveram resultados positivos.

III) o interesse da pesquisa é ouvir o motivo que leva pessoas jovens a submeterem-se a essas intervenções. Mas, as histórias de pessoas mais velhas serão bem-vindas.

IV) o interesse do programa é reunir experiências daqueles que se submeteram a esses procedimentos, por razões estéticas ou por indicação médica.

V) na primeira linha do texto, a expressão “cosmetic injectables” refere-se a cosméticos injetáveis. Assim, na sequência, há dois exemplos dessas substâncias. 

As assertivas que estão de acordo com o texto “Have you ever used Botox?” são:

I, III e IV, apenas
II, III e V, apenas
I, III e V, apenas
I, II e V, apenas
I, II e IV, apenas

Read this paragraph about Naomi and answer the question.

I’m Naomi. I have never been to another country. I’ve never seen an airplane. I’ve never seen the sea. But I know them through pictures that the teacher showed me. I live in a village near a forest, in the mountains. I’m 13. I’ve lived here since I was born.

There are many wild animals in the forest but I’m not afraid of them. During a winter there is snow and the trees in the forest get white. It’s very cold and it is hard to stay outside. In the summer, the days are not hot and I can go fishing.

(texto adaptado – Choice for Teens, Editora Richmond, vol. 4)


Write T (true) or F (false) according to the text:


1- Naomi has never been abroad. (    )

2- She has traveled by plane. (    )

3- She hasn’t seen the sea. (    )

4- She has never seen the snow. (    )

Naomi isn’t scared of the wild animals. (    )


The correct sequence is:

F – T – T – T – T
F – F – T – F – T 
T – T – F – T – F
T – F – F – F – T
T – F – T – F – T

Sybill is driving her car along a road. But she has a problem: “Oh! I am running out of gas. And I have miles to go…”


The warning for her is:

You´d better fill up your car.
You´d better fix the gas pedal.
You´d better turn off the signal.
You´d better pick up your car.
You´d better service your car.

Quando falamos em esportes radicais, estamos falando de esportes de aventura. Uma das características desses esportes é a capacidade de causar a aceleração da adrenalina nas pessoas, portanto, causando momentos de excitação, prazer e emoção.

 Read the text to answer the question.



Adrenaline is a hormone that our bodies secrete in moments of excitement or danger. It is responsible for helping us perform incredible feats that we wouldn’t be able to do under normal circumstances. Adrenaline is what makes a mother able to lift a car to save her baby, for example. And it’s what helps someone who never exercises run down ten flights of stairs when trying to escape a fire.

Adrenaline, in other words, can save our lives. Because of adrenaline, we have the energy we need to fight back run away when we’re in danger.

Our bodies don’t release adrenaline only when we’re in danger. Adrenaline is also released in situations that make us excited, like when we’re on a roller coaster or doing an extreme sport for the first time. Adrenaline can also be released when we’re in high pressure situations, like studying for a very important test or making a speech in front of a lot of people.

So think back to a time when you were afraid, excited or nervous. Did you have extra energy or a sudden ability to do something you didn’t know you could do? If so, you can thank adrenaline.

                                                                       Based on http://serendip.brynmawr.edu

                                                                                   Accessed on February 18, 2015


- abletolift = capaz de levantar                                                - feats = façanhas, proezas                      

- excitement = emoção                                                         - flight back = resistir, reagir

- flights of stairs = lances de escadas                                        - release = liberam

- perform = realizar                                                                - roller coaster = montanha-russa

- run away = escapar, fugir                                                     - secrete = eliminam


Write T (true) or F (false) to the sentences, according to the text.


1-   (     ) Our bodies secrete adrenaline when we’re in danger.

2-   (     ) Adrenaline doesn’t give us the energy we need to fight backl

3-   (     ) High pressure situations sometimes make our bodies release adrenaline.

4-   (     ) It’s impossible to release adrenaline in a situation like riding a roller coaster.

5-   (     ) People are able to do incredible things when they’re in danger.


The correct sequence is:

F – T – F – T – F
T – T – T – F – F 
T – F – F – F – T
T – F – T – F – T
F – T – T – F – F 

Read about Kate’s food passions. Then complete each sentence with used to or didn’t use to.


When I was a kid, I loved sweets. I think I ate about five cookies a day! When I was a teenager, I started eating a lot of meat. I had steaks and fries almost every day. I didn’t care for vegetables or fruit. Then on my 20th birthday, I decided I needed a change, so I became a vegetarian. These days I eat meat again, but I avoid fatty foods and sugar. I’ve lost a lot of weight and I feel much better.


I- Kate ___________ eat a lot of sweets, but now she avoids sugar.

II- Before she turned 20, she _________ like vegetables.

III- Kate _____________ take care of herself, but now she eats well.

IV- She ___________ be a vegetarian, but now she eats meat.


The correct sequence is:

didn’t use to – didn’t use to – didn’t use to – used to
didn’t use to – didn’t use to – used to – used to 
used to – didn’t use to – didn’t use to – used to
used to – used to – didn’t use to – didn’t use to
didn’t use to – used to – used to – didn’t use to

Complete the conversation.


A. Let’s have a dinner party Friday night. Help me prepare the menu.

B. Ok. Remember that my sister ___________________, so we can’t make anything too fatty. Why don’t you make some chicken?

is on a diet
is a vegetarian
is allergic to
doesn’t care for
is avoiding

Leia a fala de um médico sobre o controle da dieta:


“People should avoid fatty foods”.


O substantivo destacado em negrito atua como:




